Friday, February 27, 2009



Why change?

Maldivian people want to see a prosperous and free nation. The way things have happened in the past has resulted in poverty and enslavement of the majority of the people. The national development indicators of the past do not reflect the great divide that exists between the rich and the poor, nor the economic, social and the political realities.
The people who can presently afford a prosperous and live a life free from fear are few since 90% of wealth is with about 10% of the population.

The income gap between the rich and the poor is wide. The general level of income, housing conditions and opportunities based on credibility is very unsatisfactory and low. Decent health and educational service are unavailable in the country and costs living is high, government services to public are full of corruption. In short majority of the people are living an unhappy and unfulfilling life. People do not trust each other.

Corruption, drug abuse, prostitution, violence and unlawfulness are still widespread. Maldivian society has never been this low level morally and corruption in our whole recorded history. Conditions must change and hope has been ignited by introduction of a New Constitution and the replacement of dictatorial Government by a democratic Government in November 2008. Real result should be made be by nonviolent means and through political and socio-economic changes. A meaningful change is possible only with change of mind set of majority of the people.

Who can bring the change?

The majority of public of the country, whose lives have been robbed miserably, can bring about the change. They must increasingly show their disapproval of the prevailing corruption, and unaccountability and other issues facing the country. The changes should be through nonviolent, and through wise democratic means and seeking public support that is needed to live the present Constitution. We must work together under leaders and through civil society of the country, get the support of the political parties and the people who want to see a prosperous and fear free Maldivian society.

Pressing Issues currently

  • Housing Condition
  • No Finance Available
  • People Exposed to Immoralities
  • Lack of Recreational Facilities and Free Spaces
  • Impacts of Long Period - Corrupt Dictatorial Leadership
  • Possibilities of Too Strong an Opposition
  • Possibilities of Powerful Radical Islamic Elements
  • Under Protection of Environment
  • Lack of Discipline and Community Spirit
  • Distrust in Justice System

Some suggested actions to bring about changes

1. Creation of a Maldivian identity.
2. Debate on national issues.
3. Strengthening civil society for voicing different issues facing the citizens.
4. Networking amongst the NGOS to work for change.
5. Forming new pressure groups throughout the country for change.
6. Awareness creation and training about rights and obligations of citizens under the Constitution.
7. Bringing the foreign know-how and experience on the public issues.
8. Creating the required communication and resources needed.
9. Creating changes in the mind set of the people.
10. Make studies on different issues.
11. Promotion of values and virtues at all levels of society.

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