Friday, March 27, 2009


One thing that is obvious in nature is the prevalence of great diversity or differences. The blending of these differences creates a harmony, effectiveness and a beauty that is realized by us. Even if we look at ourselves, we see so much of differences in us. People living in different regions look different. There are so many different foods, customs and general ways of life.

The greatest challenge facing in establishing peace and achieving a good life for all is learning to be tolerant of the diversity and differences that exist in our society. Basically tolerance involves having respect for the differences in opinions; ways of life of different groups of people, individuals and their needs to refrain from infringing on the rights of others. This could be achieved only through education, training and practices leading to freedom from fear with an open mind and attitudes that promotes tolerance. The correct form of education is essential and it is useful to remember as Helen Keller said “The highest result of education is tolerance.” When we stop learning through reasoning and tolerance, we stop progress.

Intolerance, leads to conflict, disrespect and many a time to violence. Many communities have in the past vanished from the face of the earth due to violence and many communities have reached greatness and prosperity due to the practice of tolerance. We have a vivid example in India during the time of King Asoka.

In Maldivian society too, as in rest of the world we need more tolerance and respect towards each other. Then and only then, we will be able coexist peacefully in the present and in future.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Prayer is prompted through fear and love of a power in our conscience. We commit prayers to the God that we believe in and have power over the matters of our physical and non physical well being. Prayer definitely satisfies our minds and influences on our actions. The God affecting our life is believed to be a unified power manifested in His different attributions.
Prayers to God are mostly very helpful and useful for strengthening our confidence and achieving our needs over a period of time. Prayers help to satisfy a common human natural craving, align our actions to intentions, and help to make achievements.
Results of prayer are due to an unknown “Natural Law” of nature and some scientific realities combined with belief. Some of us believe this to be as a law of attraction and others a mercy (asking) from God. In any case, Prayers seem to have results depending on the selfless and honesty in which it is being practiced. The results take place in manners, and in times that are yet unknown. The prayer and resulting event-time relationships, as we understand time and the holistic cycle of events involved, are so far unknown, because we do not know all the factors involved in the seemingly chaotic conditions occurring in nature. It seems to result in our consciousness and actions, biochemical reactions, electrical impulses and effects of conditioning involved. Perhaps, understanding the work of mathematics to the levels mentioned by Dr. Whitehead, to see “what is transitory in what is permanent and what is what is permanent in what is transitory”, is achieved we may then understand these mysteries better.
The benefit of prayer is clear to my mind and I have experienced it. It satisfies my whole being and this becomes more meaningful when prayers are direct at a unified and the universal forces which we realize as God in nature. With experience and knowledge, some of us learn and feel the unifying forces and the wisdom in nature.
May God, the most generous, make me wise and guide me to knowledge and readings from thy creations and bless us. ---Jadulla Jameel
“Two things inspire me to awe-the starry heavens above and the moral universe within.” Albert Einstein

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Suggestions for Increasing Volunteerism in Maldivian

Volunteerism was an integral activity on the islands and district communities of Maldives. It had contributed to the unity, development and life in the communities. It ranged from physical participation to contributions in kind, for the island development projects, daily activities such as keeping the island clean, beaching of sea going vessels, celebrating festivals, building of mosques, schools and social events. It also contributed in keeping peace and law and order in the communities.

The kinship and traditions were the contributing factor in volunteerism. However the promotion values for materialism, eroding ethical values, decreasing community spirit has reduced tremendously the volunteerism in Maldivian communities.

Probably with change of time and in lifestyles the traditional manners of volunteerism will not work and is not suitable anymore. Now it has to be driven by development and problem solving the needs at island, provincial or national levels. There is a new spirit volunteerism that could be tapped, with the emergence new volunteers as different youth groups and NGOS in civil society.

The need to encourage and organize, island, regional and nationally based, volunteerism, especially among the youths of the country, for peace, cost effectiveness in promotion of socio-economic activities, unification into regions, developing skills and promotion of democratic values is immense. We should undertake positively advantage of presently existing interest in the country.

Main Objectives

1. Encourage youth participation in volunteerism
2. Provide opportunity for youth to contribute in voluntary work of their interests.
3. Promote talented youth in the development of communities.
4. Create volunteer service groups.

Suggested Methodology

1. Conduct a study on need for volunteerism in Maldives.
2. Provide training for youth in the essential fields of community development.
3. Expenses for training youth leaders shall be sought from UN and other organizations including the private sector
4. Evaluation of volunteers will be carried out before posting.
5. Post the trained youth with appropriate NGOS.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Maldivian Identity

March 1, 2009

Many are wondering what identifies Maldivians. We have been saying that we are identified and kept together by our religion of Islam and our language Dhivehi and most of the time we are contented with this statement. However the importance and urgency to intellectually explore this concept of Maldivian Identity further is felt more recently than any other times in our past. Some say they are ashamed and some say we are proud to be identified as Maldivians. How much closer are Maldivians as a single group of people, and is the requirement of being a Maldivian only the citizenship granted through the Constitution?

There are certain identifying factors but also, ingrained and dividing features in Maldivians. They include belonging to certain regions, speaking different dialects, customs, temperament, physical appearances, food habits etc. These differences are due to historical reasons and should not create divisions nor discourage all of us been identified as Maldivians. This is a diversity we should be proud of. In some countries such differences within are represented as different nations or regions having national or regional Governments, most of us been familiar with these in case of United Kingdom and Republic of India.

The differences or diversity in a State gives richness to the whole society such as the case in Maldives. In some instances when the differences are not respected or entertained, it leads to conflicts within a country. Some political, economic and social practices can encourage and create conflicts especially when individuals or group of people’s rights given in the Constitution are violated.

Maldivians have an identity by Islamic faith, location in the Indian Ocean, Official Dhivehi Language, Island and mixed cultures of ancestors, being good seafarers etc. We are proud to represent the Maldivian Identity as simple, honest, hardworking, skillful, and courageous and an upright people. We are ashamed to be represented by recently developed culture of corruption, violence, low morality created by undemocratic and selfish politics. The Maldivian identity in short is the flag which stands for courage, peace and God given Faith.